

Kēmmi rises from Online to brick and mortar after 12 months.

The jeweler started with an online presence at its early stage and grew step by step. The brand used digital to drive consumers and professionals into their world.

Kemmi’s winning move? They ditched the physical store and reinvested  the entire budget in digital. They hired Intervalle to build their online store to match customer habits and expectations. So far, so great.

The Canadian jeweller decided to go with Shopify. This digital infrastructure creates a smoother buying experience for consumers and distributors. Intervalle worked with Kēmmi for online strategy to spread the word about their quality brand.

Kēmmi had a high-level vision for the types of interactions they wanted with consumers and the role of digital in supporting that vision. They then made sure they were working with partners who were able to deliver this vision, as well as help it evolve and challenge it along the way.


Create a platform where potential customers can learn more about the brand and discover a brand new experience. Kēmmi was built from the common passion of two friends who became partners. But not only in business, in life as well. The online store needed to be the first rock of this journey.

The finest and top elegant Men & Women jewelry from gold, silver necklaces, and earrings to handmade bags and bracelets and even lingerie.

We love to create you
Love to be satisfied.